============================ 2006/01/22: Version 2.2.4 ============================ - Security fix: sanitizing $xoopsConfig["language"]: multiple files (phppp) - Fixed reference-related issue, partially: multiple files (phppp) - Fixed aged HTML tag errors: multiple files (phppp)(*) - Fixed bug that not check verification password for user registration: ROOT/modules/profile/register.php (phppp/tester) - Fixed Bug #1340925 - Mailing a selection doesn't work correctly (Mithrandir/pinchecl) - Fixed Bug #1346904 - XMT theme - 404 message (Mithrandir/Peter777) - Fixed profile field treatement error to allow XOBJ_DTYPE_URL clickable: ROOT/kernel/profilefield.php (phppp) - Reduced file size for cached profile field data: ROOT/kernel/profilefield.php, profile.php (phppp) - Added missing time offset for calculating time: ROOT/language/english/local.php (phppp) - Changed rss time to take into account time zone: ROOT/language/english/local.php (phppp) - Fixed bug that a user could read any message via message ID: ROOT/modules/pm/readmsg.php (phppp) - Fixed url error: ROOT/modules/pm/templates/pm_viewmsg.html (phppp) - Fixed bug that webmaster could not access inactive user info: ROOT/modules/profile/userinfo.php (phppp) - Fixed bug that user could not change email: ROOT/modules/profile/edituser.php (phppp) - Fixed bug that profile field value type couldn't be changed: ROOT/modules/profile/include/forms.php (phppp) - Added rights for admin in user account check: ROOT/modules/profile/include/functions.php (phppp) - Changed sort for user from name to uname: ROOT/modules/system/admin/groups/groups.php (phppp) - Fixed bug for censor word update: ROOT/modules/system/admin/preferences/main.php (phppp) - Fixed bug for template paths: ROOT/modules/system/admin/tplsets/main.php (phppp/wenmingpig) - Added user profile default values update on system module update: ROOT/modules/system/include/update.php (phppp) - Changed CSS for font color for user name and text in footer: theme default (phppp/Steven) - Fixed url bug: ROOT/modules/system/admin/templates/system_imagemanager2.html (phppp) - Added single quote sanitizing: ROOT/pda.php (phppp)(*) - Added charset setting: ROOT/header.php (phppp) - Added URL sanitizing: ROOT/search.php (phppp)(*) - Fixed error messages: ROOT/lostpass.php (phppp) - Fixed user login redirect error: ROOT/user.php (phppp, reported by Anne) - Forced disabling gzip_compression: ROOT/class/theme.php (phppp) - Added sanitizing for meta footer: ROOT/class/theme.php (phppp) - Added $xoopsModule check: ROOT/class/theme.php (phppp) - Changed/Rolledback(partially) "makeclicable",changed censor string process : ROOT/class/module.textsanitizer.php (phppp) - PHP 5 compatibility: ROOT/class/xml/saxparser.php (phppp)(*) - Added meta data sanitizing in header: ROOT/include/functions.php (phppp)(*) - Fixed typo for redirect time, added missing trimmaker for substr, changed userealname to false: ROOT/include/functions.php (phppp)(*) (*): from XoopsCube ============================ 2005/10/30: Version 2.2.3 Final ============================ - SECURITY: Fix to prevent mail headers injection (Skalpa/XOOPS Cube) - SECURITY: Fix to prevent endless loop in PHPMailer (Skalpa/Minahito) - SECURITY: Fix to prevent XSS in the textsanitizer (Skalpa/XOOPS Cube) - SECURITY: Fix to prevent XSS in newbb and the comments system (Skalpa/Keigo Yamazaki of Little eArth Corporation Co., Ltd.) - SECURITY: Vaporfix to prevent uploading of invalid images (Skalpa/XOOPS Cube) - Added fallback in Authfactory to use XOOPS auth in case of the selected method's class file is inaccessible (phppp) - Changed quoteString() to put ' on all non-integers instead of just all strings (Mithrandir) - Changed XTheme::display() to use caching correctly and set page title and module header from $xoopsOption (phppp) - Fixed typo in XTheme::addCSS where